Blow Hard Instructions

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Cheers to Brent Braun, Kyle Littleton, Nick Diffatte, James Kellogg, Mark James, David Gerard, and Max Temkin.

Credit goes out to Nick Diffatte. During production, we discovered that Nick had worked on the same concept years prior: the light/heavy ball with a Blow Toy. Although unpublished, credit is due to Nick for his original effect.

Credit goes out to Mark James and David Gerard for giving me the idea to pursue an ending with an egg. This provides the routine with a beautiful conclusion to something so cerebral.

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Cheers to Brent Braun, Kyle Littleton, Nick Diffatte, James Kellogg, Mark James, David Gerard and Max Temkin.

Credit goes out to Nick Diffatte. During production, we discovered that Nick had worked on same concept years prior: the light/heavy ball with a Blow Toy. Although unpublished, credit is due to Nick for his original effect.

Credit goes out to Mark James and David Gerard for giving me the idea to pursue an ending with an egg. This provides the routine with a beautiful conclusion to something so cerebral.

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