200 Gags, Intros and One Liners For Magicians by Tony McMylor

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Book One by Tony McMylor. Previous comedy books seemed to fall under the category of “goofy” not funny. The other options were outdated jokes from generations past…I was excited to see a book that was both contemporary and actually good at the same time. This book covers one-liners for all types – Openings… “Tonight I will baffle you, (big build up) amaze you, astound you, take you to realms of fantasy you’ve never dreamed of…in other words, I’m going to do a few card tricks!” Lady Volunteers… “This next trick involves ESP – that’s an Extremely Sexy Person – Madam – would you come up to assist me?” There are some even more risqué, adult oriented jabs for you working the “club circuit.” There is also patter for Mentalism… “This is going to be difficult – my God – this man’s mind has a screen saver on!” There’s even patter for your props…that and much, much more. This booklet is soft-cover with 15 pages of material with each page featuring about 14 different gags and one-liners. Granted, not all of them will be winners for you, but I found more than a few that made me laugh! The booklet is written by Tony McMylor. He has written for both TV and Radio for many years and is an avid magic lover. If you’re looking for “goofy” and/or “dumb humor” this is not the book. If you are one of the many who is searching for refreshing, creative, original and contemporary comedy by-lines…get this book!