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An item that kills two birds with one stone, "levitation" and "telekinesis", is now available.

Levitation (levitation)

Borrow a smartphone from the audience and put a white handkerchief on it.

From the top of the handkerchief, the smartphone can be seen through.

When you apply a spell, your smartphone will slowly floatup. The magician turns over a handkerchief or puts a card under thesmartphone to prove that it is floating.

At the end, it slowly descends and reaches the ground. I immediately ask them to look at mysmartphone and handkerchief, but Ican't find anything suspicious.

In addition to smartphones, you can floatvarious things such as bills, cards, and sweets. Depending on the thing, it is also possible to perform without cover. It is a completely new floating phenomenon that does not use threads or magnets.

Psychokinesis (telekinesis) When you put your mind on a plastic bottle, it slowly begins to tilt and eventually falls down witha loud noise.

It is performedwith both hands completely visible to the audience, and there are no suspicious movements as if they are manipulating.In addition, anyone canuse gimmicks to create phenomena as if they were psychics, such as shaking and falling objects with the power emitted from your fingertips, or knocking overan unopened can of juice with your breath.

  • Gimmick set
  • White silk handkerchief
  • Commentary dvd
A close-up mat is essential for the use of this product.The commentary also mentions mats that are suitable for acting.