Ultimate Floating Match by Steve Shufton

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Effect: Magician displays and opens a book of matches. After removing a match, the Magus explains that matches hold a “charge” similar to electricity. She/he demonstrates that the removed match will readily come in contact with the other matches in the book. By simply rubbing the match on the other matches in the pack (or on his sleeve, etc.) he claims that the match is now charged and will resist the other matches. The Magician raises the match above the other matches in the pack and releases his hold on the match over the matchbook with all but one finger touching it, and it remains suspended! The Magus explains that “it seems the match may be attached to my finger – until I pull my finger away!” and actions match the words! The match remains suspended and floats above the matchbook! By waving a toothpick under, behind, over and ALL AROUND the floating match, the Magus demonstrates that there can be no possible means of support! He then plucks the match out of the air, demonstrates again that there can be no possible support by passing the match through the area in which it floated, and then he/she once again causes the match to float! If desired, matchbook, match and toothpick can be handed out for examination!