Matrix Poker Wakeling / Steinmeyer

$ 19.95
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Matrix Poker is a strange game.

The rules are very simple. So simple, that they're printed on a coin purse, which the magician displays. Along with the purse, the magician lays out 16 cards on the table. Each card has a monetary value printed on it.

A spectator - completely freely, without any undue influence from the magician - selects four of the number cards. The values on the cards are added, to arrive at a value. Surprisingly, despite the completely free selection, the magician has predicted the total exactly! The very same amount the spectator selected is found inside the coin purse.

But, there's more. When the number cards are flipped over, four playing cards are on the reverse. The magician predicted these cards, too! Their values were permanently printed on the coin purse all along!

The trick requires no sleight of hand. It works every time, all the time.

Matrix Poker comes complete with specially printed cards (from the US Playing Card Company), custom-manufactured coin purse, illustrated, detailed instructions and specially printed bills.